Thursday, May 11, 2006

A big ass weekend

Well here it is. The biggest ass weekend of them all.

Jennfier is graduating from law school on Sunday and we leave Columbia on Monday.
We've lived here for 4 years, which is the longest we've lived anywhere other than where we grew up. It's gonna be hard. It's also gonna be hard to leave friends.

Luckily, we WILL stay in touch. There's no question in my mind, but there is sort of the weight on our shoulders of starting again with a blank slate and it's weird.

I'm not quite sure what to think.
I'll just stay open and see what happens.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Take care man, a new start leads to new adventures. Friends will always be your friends, no matter where you are in the world.

Send congrats to your wife for me.

Mr. T says, "Don't be a fool! Stay in school and don't do drugs!"

It's Friday, my mind gets weird, what can I say?

3:25 PM, May 12, 2006  

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